Monday, January 21, 2008

Increase Your World of Warcraft Farming Efficiency

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

So you are interested in World of Warcraft farming, a very important subject really. WoW farming allows you to gain experience, gold, and even the occasional rare, or better yet, epic item. Still, just running about blindly attempting to find monsters is a recipe for disaster; that would be why you are reading this article right now. Actually, efficient farming is happy farming. Otherwise it is as dull as watching paint dry. With that in mind, here are a few tips to increase your farming efficiency and income.

A few things first, don't even head out of town before you've gathered a few nice materials/items. Depending on how much spare cash you have you might be able to do without some equipment/items. Just straight farming is still possible with minimal supplies, especially with some specific classes that I'll mention later.

Now, for in-town farming for levels 30-60 or so a stack of trolls blood potions can be very nice; the regen really speeds things up over time. Beyond that a few spellpower or agility/strength/health boosting potions can be very useful, if not lifesavers.

Once you are properly equipped you need to find a suitable farming spot; not just any little group of monsters will do. Two key things to look for are: 1- high rate of respawn and 2- high rate of XP per kill. You have to be careful, though, if the rate of respawn is too high you will get adds every fight, which is deadly.

Determine the XP per kill based upon how long each kill takes and how much health/mana you lose. Even if a monster seems to give a nice amount of XP, taking all those other factors into account, it may actually be slowing you down. Additionally, some areas possess multiple types of the same monster. One may be very easy to kill while another is quite annoying and/or slow to kill. So basically, just make sure to keep notes of your gains, either that or get one of the many modifications that provide easy measurement of XP per hour, such as Titan panel, etc. As a general rule, areas with green and/or yellow monsters are great AoE spots for mages and warlocks, whereas I'd hit pure yellow spots for the single/two mob grinders, like warriors, hunters, and such.

Finally, and probably one of the most important things really, if you happen to be on a PvP server (like I am) you are going to want to watch out for PKer's, other gold farmers, and a whole slew of different types of people who can interfere. Really, if the spot doesn't possess enough of a spawn for two people it is probably better just to leave rather than enter into a war over the zone. Leaving is probably better XP overall and it also doesn't earn you any enemies.

Good luck in your farming endeavors. May epic items drop in your path.

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Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

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