Saturday, December 15, 2007

Arcade Games - Who's Playing Them?

Arcade Games-Who's Playing Them?

When you think of Arcade Games, a picture of young children
around the ages of 8 and up comes to my mind. Does it yours?
Well, you're in for a surprise. How about a 35 year old woman?
A 60 year old woman?

According to RealArcade, who is a leader in the Online Internet
Arcade games, the demographic for their website are women from
the age of 35 to the age of 60. They claim that 70% of their online
players are in this group age category. It is difficult to bring the image
to my mind of a 60 year old woman blasting away at a lineup of army
tanks, and shooting down as many of them as she can within a certain
limit of time.

Out of curiosity, I went into their site and they have a lot more than
just "shoot 'em up" games. As a Senior Citizen myself, I soon found
myself playing some of the games and enjoying them immensely. Maybe
it isn't so outrageous after all. I actually enjoyed some of the "shoot-'em-up
games, as well. They have all kinds of puzzling puzzler games and awesome
action games. You also get a free present of a choice of two games in return
for joining their 30 day-free trial. I think I'm going to sign up. Have I just
become a statistic in the demographic of arcade games?

Talk about puzzling; I'm still agog over the demographic of woman
between the ages of 35 and 60 being the dominant factor in the world
of Arcade games. You'll find a RealArcade website at

Rusty Rose


Owner/Manager of

Article Source:

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